Saturday, June 20, 2015


I'm falling..
It feels like I'm letting it loose and it falls.. dragging me along.. deep.
and there's no way I can help it.
and there's no turning back.
I'm falling hard.


Friday, June 19, 2015

Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend

Dear Eemir Athirah,

I remember the first time I knew you in LJ which was in 2008 I think.
I was posting some icons of HSJ and you liked them and then we started talking to each other.
And started from you, I 'met' a lot of other online friends.
Those who know the side of me that my real life friend, my family don't even know about.
It's really fun talking to you.

And then we met face to face with Sacchi, three of us.
We fangirls, flailing on our fav boys, exchanged videos, talk about real life, ventilated a bit.
Last we met was at JL-Fest. It was fun! Let's do this again soon.

One of the workshop in JL-Fest

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Day7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

Dear my ex-boyfriend(s), 
It was short, but thanks for the memories, the experience you've gave me.
I'm sorry it wasn't meant to be.

Dear my crush, 
I know you know that I like you since childhood.
You were my ultimate childhood crush, and forever will be.
We can never work it out. but actually, we have never begin.
Now, you are taken, by the prettiest, sweetest girl that won your heart.
Cherish her well.
