Monday, December 26, 2011

Only boring people get bored...

Oh really?? that's not necessary. whatev~
Mmmmkay.. upload update sket.

So family belah mak datang melawat. Singgah Melaka jap before gi Johor, ade sedara kawen.
Cik Huda ade la chat fb ngan ak, tnye ak bile blk sbb diorg nk dtg melaka. Syiooookkkssss!!
Pastu tgk status fb mak..

PEGI TANJUNG BIDARA~!! Bestnyeeeeee!! Mandi2 laut! bestnyeeeee!!
ah sorry, I'm an ocean person. *teehee*

Lagi, PMR Apis... not so bad la.. 6A 2B 1D. Okay ce teka, ape yg D..... *drums roll*
D adalah bahasa arab! yes, agak memalukan sbg seorang budak skola agama. B die BI n Sejarah. oh well..
So, bkn la nk blagak tp... yes! ak la sorg2 yg dpt straight A dlm family.

Shamsul plak.... abes SPM, kje kt Petronas (tempat ak kje dlu) and bru ak tau die kne g PLKN.. TAHNIAH! botak la kau psneh! ngahahah!!
Da la selalu sakit2. ntah2 dpt pelepasan mcm dak Iena. ngaahh! x macho la gitu..

Kucing2 pn sehat je sume... Atas Eki bawah Abam okay? Yang bwh tu geram tgk ak study lettewww~ yg atas plak bajet macho.
Aku pn sihat gak.. mmmmmm~kay lah.

bubbye y'all!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Nekobasu aka CatBus!!

Ritu tgk My neighbor Totoro time makan ngn Azie n Tiqa. Seriously sgt high tgk movie tu. Dgn kegemokan Totoro yang sangat comel!!

Okay tp skang xnk cte psl Totoro. Nk cite pasal Catbus. Sbb sebal xdpt blk Malaysia sbb tiket flight mahal nk mampus! Kan best klu Catbus ni real!

Nilah catbus... Transportation for better tomorrow. 

It is a large creature, depicted as a grinning male cat with a hollow body that serves as a bus<>, complete with windows and seats coated with fur, and a large bushy tail. <>A door magically appears when a person would like to board it to travel.With its large elongated smile and its ability to appear and disappear at will, the Catbus is reminiscent of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. 

1. Catbus sangat laju!! 

2. Friendly

3. Fuzzy and cozy


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Suki ni naccha dame!!

It means "I can't fall in love!" with whoever the subject is.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bored.. to lazy to update lj so update blogspot instead

A - AVAILABLE: Yup3~ i think so. 
B - BIRTHDAY: 15th July 89 
C - CRUSHING ONrealistically speaking.... secret. not realistically speaking.. *thinks* Matsuzaka Tori  ♥♥♥
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Love juice ♥ no lah! Sky juice. 
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Eemir Athirah, Sacchi, Kimy and Farah.. Love you girls a lot! 
F - FAVORITE SONG: Nishino Kana - I'll be there
H - HOMETOWN: Melaka historical city
I - IN LOVE WITH: ...... the love of my life. ♥  
J - JUGGLE: Cannot!
K - KILLED SOMEONE: I have a few people I would like to.... but none. 
L - LONGEST CAR RIDECar.... first time my parents hantar I kt matrix Penang. 8 jam kot. 
M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: always Vanilla~ everything vanilla

O - ONE WISH: that all my wishes will be granted.
P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: dearest mak!!
R- REASON TO SMILE: I just smile.
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Nishino Kana - Tatoe Donna Ni
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: today? 1.30 pm. Azie kejut suruh solat Zuhur 
V - VEGETABLE(S): Bayam, kangkung.. dan lain-lain. tp yll tu klu kuantiti yg byk sgt jd x suke. 
W - WORST HABIT: i..... don't know. ah! blasting music out loud in my ears. pekak da jdnye. 
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: last one.. was my right feet. sbb cedera main futsal. isk3. 
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Crabby patty.. lol. Cancer

NO is YES is NO!

Paham x? ak pn xphm..

Meh.. ak nk buat random babbling.

uh.. not really. I'm over it. XDD

Thank you Selena Gomez. You make me realized this. ♥